Sunday, April 10, 2005

Chretien's legacy to Canada unveiled

As Jean Chretien wound down his term in office, he was frantically searching for his "legacy" to the Canadian people. Unbeknownst to him, it was just under his nose all the time.

(From Polspy, who said it best).

It was always the same story, he told the commission: The Liberal Party needed money. If you wanted the business, you had to pay.

Brault says most of the kickbacks were cash; that’s the way his Liberal handlers wanted it, he said, so it couldn’t be traced.

On one occasion, Brault says he handed $25,000 in cash to Joseph Morselli, a top organizer for former public works minister Alfonso Gagliano.

Brault wanted the bidding for some ad contracts with the Justice Department delayed. He says Morselli told him the delay would cost $100,000.

The first payment was $25,000, dropped off at a fundraiser for Gagliano, at a restaurant in Montreal’s east end.

Brault claims he also put at least five Liberal party workers on Groupaction’s payroll. They were paid with sponsorship money to do work for the party.

Other Liberals allegedly got cheques too, disguised as consulting fees, for doing nothing. One of them was former prime minister Jean Chretien’s brother, Gaby.

Brault claims Chretien handed $4,000 to a Liberal candidate. — CTV

So now you know Chretien’s legacy. Government corruption, waste and scandal. The ‘Little Guy from Shawinigan’ is a thieving sack of shit.

That’s some legacy. Keep that in mind next time you see a picture of the Liberals giving Chretien a standing ovation in the House of Commons the day after his Gomery testimony.

If there’s any justice in the world, Jean will end up as Bubba’s bitch in the Edmonton Max.

Chretien showing his true colours.