Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Jean breathes new life into separatism

Rex Murphy has a rant pointing out the huge irony that Chretien's sponsorship program, whose only defence is that it was necessary to save the country from the separatists ("We had to save the country. The devil take the details.") has ended up lighting a renewed fire under that movement.
Since the election right up until this present day but especially since the hearings have been going on in Montreal, the testimony of the Gomery Commission has been commanding soap opera-sized audiences in Quebec, and with each day, the anger at the federal Liberals and by default, support for the Bloc has been increasing. Federalists in Quebec are now at a new low and Jean Charest is wearing a 70 per cent disapproval rating. It has reached the point where Quebec separatism, supposedly for so long enfeebled, decayed, passé, on life support is suddenly renewed. And whence did it get the vital transfusion?

From the increasingly bleak portrait of arrogance, mischief, alleged kickbacks, and sloppiness that are the unfailing hallmarks of the sponsorship program. In other words, the cause of separatism has found itself again, breathes new hope, holds a sword over the federal Parliament because of what? Because of the very program whose only possible defence was that it was necessary to save the country has re-awakened the most imminent dynamic of this country's disillusion. So the grand reckless architects of the sponsorship program have now this to consider: The only grounds on which the wretched program could even pretend to a defence, saving the country, is painfully exactly the opposite of what has actually been achieved.

If Canada goes through the anxious torments of yet another referendum in Quebec, let us all thank the great geniuses who let the contracts to paint the billboards, host the soccer games, and plaster the race tracks. They have given new life to Canada's national nightmare. Well done, folks.
Take a bow, Jean. Your legacy will endure for generations to come.


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