Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The pot calling the kettle black

So Alphonso Gagliano, the former Don of Chretien's Quebec Family, went on record yesterday predicting the end of Canada after Quebec separatists win the next referendum in the province -- and he says the country will have Paul Martin and his inquiry to blame. He said Martin has badly damaged the Liberal party in Quebec and predicts the Bloc Quebecois will "sweep" the province's 75 seats in an upcoming election.
"The next provincial election, unless there is a miracle, the PQ will win and they will call a referendum right away," Mr. Gagliano said. "And 'goodbye Canada.' This is the end, thanks to Paul Martin's leadership."

What a crock. If anybody has destroyed the Liberal Party and endangered Confederation it is Chretien and his rum-running self-serving pirates.

What an irony. Chretien's program purportedly conceived to "save" Canada ends up being the cause of its disintegration.

What a legacy.


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